Music teacher on a journey to build a 6-figure affiliate marketing business

Start leveraging the digital powers to earn an income

About Me

Hi, my name is Jaka, and I'm the founder of I'm also a husband and a father of three little kids, a musician, and a saxophone teacher. If you want to learn a bit more about my background, you can continue reading here.

For additional insights I invite you to visit my blog posts.


My Mission

To help busy people see new ways to earn enough money to support their families and passions in less time by showing them how to start an online business from scratch. Being a musician, I especially want to encourage all kinds of artists who struggle to find time to live the life around their art, to start leveraging the digital powers to earn an income and gain time freedom.



Financial, geographical, and time freedom; doesn't this sound so cliché? It seems like everybody wants it. And I wouldn't be honest with you if I don't tell you that I strive for that.

Imagine just for a moment how it would be if you could live your passion and build your own creative business around it. Having more time to create music, paintings, photography, poetry... Well, you name it - be it arts, sports or any other interests you have. And earn enough money to support what you love and provide for your family at the same time.

I believe that with a little investment in learning digital skills, it's possible for you, too. 



Being a husband and a father with a full-time teaching job, I know how challenging it could be to find time to work on, to create, or to deal with your passions. And vice-versa. Creating art, music, or building a business is time-consuming, and raising kids is very challenging.

And I don't want them to grow up without me being present. And my family is by far the most important value to me. With this in mind, I can find some extra time in a day for my business.

You have to ask yourself if you're willing to put some extra energy at the beginning of the journey to have a smoother ride in the future. It is a matter of priorities. I like to compare this with launching a space shuttle - it takes much more energy for it to leave Earth's atmosphere than for the sailing later on.